2017 slipcast & glazed ceramic

2017 glazed & slipcast ceramic

2015 Welded steel, enamel paint, cement & found adapted cooking oil can. 158 x 88 x 64cm 'Headless in a Beat Motel' Solo exhibition York College Gallery

2015 Steel, fibreglass, newspaper, enamel & found biscuit tin lid 151 x 120 x 60.5 cm 'Headless in a Beat Motel' Solo exhibition York College Gallery

2015 Found car tyres, cast plaster 125 x 90 x 80cm 'Headless in a Beat Motel' Solo exhibition York College Gallery

2015 Fabric, foam, steel, cement & tape 130 x 100 x 90cm 'Headless in a Beat Motel' Solo exhibition York College Gallery

2015 Assembled found materials, cast plaster & glazed porcelain Dimensions variable 'Thought Positions' Huddersfield Gallery Group exhibition curated by Dr. Rowan Bailey

2014 Manipulated digital print 183 x 130 x 70 cm

2011-14 steel, polymer plaster, resin & gloss paint 123 x 180 x 6 cm 'Groundbound' Solo Exhibition The Minories Colchester 2013

2011-14 steel, polymer plaster & iron weighting powder 170 x 155 x 9 cm 'Groundbound' Solo Exhibition The Minories Colchester 2013 & Banter The Cut Halesworth 2010

2011-13 steel, polymer plaster & iron weighting powder 150 x 125 x 8 cm 'Groundbound' Solo Exhibition The Minories Colchester 2013

2013 steel, enamel & resin 145 x 135 x 10 cm 'Groundbound' Solo Exhibition The Minories Colchester 2013 & Hillier Gardens Group Exhibition Winchester 2014

2013 steel, polymer plaster, scrim & iron weighting powder 91 x 100 x 8 cm 'Groundbound' Solo Exhibition The Minories Colchester 2013

2013 steel, polymer plaster, scrim & iron weighting powder 160 x 175 x 5 cm 'Groundbound' Solo Exhibition The Minories Colchester 2013

2011 steel, bandage & resin 174 x 136 x 2 cm 'Banter' Exhibition with Lee Grandjean The Cut Halesworth 2011 & Eastern Pavillions Bethnel Green Library 2012 & 'Objectness' Group exhibition selected and curated by Peles Empire Outpost Gallery Norwich

2011 steel, plaster & hay 79 x 158 x 6 cm 'Banter' Exhibition with Lee Grandjean The Cut Halesworth 2011

2011 steel & cement 35 x 128 x 86 cm 'Banter' Exhibition with Lee Grandjean The Cut Halesworth 2011

2012 steel, paint & canvas 200 x 78 x 60.5 cm

2010 cement & baler twine 48 x 300 (each section approx.) x 1.5 cm 'Point of Address' Group exhibition selected by Peter Suchin Outpost Gallery Norwich 2010

2011 found steel & 'Art & Industry' by Herbert Read 87 x 297 x 120 cm 'Class Of...' Group Exhibition Waterfront Gallery University Campus Suffolk 2011

2010 found farm sign & found photographs 268 x 130 x 128 cm 'Horror Vacui' Solo Exhibition Waterfront Gallery 2010 & Place and Time (APT / The Research Group) University of Northampton 2013

2010 cement & baler twine. 48 x 300 (approx. each section) x 1 cm 'Horror Vacui' Solo exhibition Waterfront Gallery 2010

2010 cement & baler twine. 48 x 300 (approx. each section) x 1cm 'Horror Vacui' Solo exhibition Waterfront Gallery 2010

2010 steel & enamel 80 x 150 x 2 cm 'Horror Vacui' Solo exhibition Waterfront Gallery 2010